Yeah, I know. Who isn't??
I didn't used to be. I thought
Pinterest was for people that did not have enough to do, those that would "pin" cool ideas and never do any of them.
Then we had this whole moving thing. And that included a house hunt. And a house purchase. And when you purchase a house instead of building it yourself, there are things that you really want to change. Like the hideous bookcase in my non tv holding living room. Fugly. And I have no idea what to do with that thing.
But house design ideas aren't the only thing on Pinterest. There are recipes, funny jokes, crafty stuff, goofy photos, and fashion designs (although I didn't see any specifically for the sport of dog agility. I suspect those folks haven't totally hit the Pinterest rage just yet. Or, there is no such thing as a fashion following for dog agility. That's totally possible too.)
After becoming a Pinterest follower, I read some pins about how to make the perfect sweet tea. Mr. P likes sweet tea and his mother makes one that would curl your hair or send you straight to the medical doctor to see if you've immediately contracted diabetes.
Since we're in the South now, it only seemed fitting that I whip up a batch of sweet tea. I followed this
recipe from Pinterest. After all, if it's on Pinterest, it MUST be totally awesome-right??
I have to say. This stuff is good. Really good. I have to say though, you need to wait for it to be cold or
totally chilled in the fridge. Trust me, it's worth the wait. And maybe next time, not quite so much sugar. There is a lot. But, dang, it's tasty. I chalk this up to a total Pinterest success!!!
Chillin' in the fridge with the blueberries, eggs and strawberries! |
Oh and a Pinterest warning-- if you find a pin that mentions using household glue (or in my case I might have used wood glue because technically it's non toxic and in my house, thus making it "household") to remove oil deposits and shrink pores on your nose, it will work but you'll also be missing a few layers of skin. Just saying-a Pinterest FAIL. (but it seemed like such a good idea at the time-right?)
So the verdict is in-Pinterest is some good, some bad. And even with the good and the bad, I still have NO IDEA what to do with that stupid tv space in my fugly living room book case. Grrr..... Any suggestions??